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Vanessa Alba - Gaia Project

By  Unknown     06:33    Marcadores:, 
"Until now I have lived one of the most incredible experiences of my life. Working in Creche Seara as a volunteer gave me new tools like patience and kindness and also showed me how people are moving in order to improve as society. The kids are grateful, joy and enthusiastic and there’s no way to get involved with them and with the ONG that day by day is going upward looking for a better future for this kids. Gaia Project started with the idea to involve kids in environmental education and the awareness of now days environment, but considering the age of the kids (3-4 years old) we gave them didactic tools, as drawings, songs and also hanging out with them to have some fun at the park and at the vegetable garden where we talk about the importance of protect and take care of plants and animals. Until now it has been a great experience."


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