Discover Santarém!

Alter-do-Chão, paradise on earth

By  Anônimo     14:25     
        Hey you! Have you ever heard about Alter-do-Chão? No? Well, today's your lucky day because here is a little about what you can find in this paradisiac place. A wide options of local cuisine, beautiful views so refreshing as the Tapajós river's waters and many other natural beauties ready to make your experience here an unforgettable one.

        The "Love Island" offers you a place to relax, enjoy the view and have a nice meal with your friends. Also, you can take a bath on the clean and refreshing water. It is a calm place, perfect to spend a whole day resting from the agitated daily life.

The Love Island
        The typical food here is also as spetacular as the views. There is the tacacá famous by its bitter taste, served hot and in a bowl called “cuia” which comes from a tree. There is the tapioca, which is made out of farinha and you can put whatever you want on the inside.
        These are only examples among the many different foods you'll be able to taste while you enjoy the calm breeze, warming sun and cristaline water.

Tapioca and Tacacá
        If you feel excited and happy enough, you can challenge yourself in our famous dance, the carimbó. It is very fun and at the same time you'll be exercising because it is a fast dance. Keep focus, practice and come dance with us!

Carimbó will make you feel alive!
        The nature, the local cuisine and all that Alter-do-Chão has to offer is just waiting for you. All you have to do is open your mind to new cultures, enjoy the moment and get ready to live an unforgettable experience! Hope to see you soon!


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